Tantric lingam massage independent and private / Massage Tantrique Lingam Indpendante priv - 39
Posted : Tuesday, December 27, 2022 11:48 PM
Beautiful Mature Come experience something New! or different! A lingam massage
is Tantric massage. Its all about the scrotum and shaft of the penis, some
edging and sensitive areas between the legs. It is a massage and meditation
its all about the senses The goal of lingam massage isnt to simply have an
orgasm. Rather, its to create a meditative and spiritual experience.
From Monday to Fridays from 7:30 AM to 7 PM
Belle et Mature! Venez dcouvrir chose de nouveau! ou diffrent ! Un massage
lingam est un massage tantrique. Il sagit du scrotum et de la tige du pnis,
de certaines bordures et de zones sensibles entre les jambes. Cest un massage
et une mditation, cest une question de sens. Le but du massage lingam nest
pas simplement davoir un orgasme. Il sagit plutt de crer une exprience
mditative et spirituelle.
Du lundi au Vendredi de 7h30 17h
Indpendant priv/ Indpendant Priv propre discret / Propre, emplacement de
quartier Stationnement / Stationnement gratuit Sans presse / Un-rushed NDG /
Cote St Luc
• Poster's age : 39
• Mobile : 5142209039
• Location : Cote St Luc
• Post ID: 1868331903